Wednesday, July 26, 2006

SKC - Getting in the Spotlight (Can Kendo be art?)

Well just got this email today from a 'Artist', who wants to turn Kendo into 3D art.

Pretty cool? or are we above this?

Check out the email below...

To whom it may concern,

My name is Leo Carol. I am a designer/photographer/animator.
3D photography, or stereophotography, is one of my areas of interest.

I am writing to you to invite you to consider a proposal to capture Kendo action in 3D photos at your school. I am sure KENDO would be a great subject for a 3D photography project. I could organise a photoshoot (without interfering with your normal activities or plan) during a training session and/or a special event (such as a competition, etc), and of course there would be no fees involved for the photoshoot. I shoot 3D photography for pleasure, not for profit.

3D photos are quite unique and stunning. The resulting images could serve as a graphic record of your club's activities (they can be printed, published online, or screened, and the archival value of the images is sure to increase with time).

Recent samples of my 3D photographic work are available at:

You will need a pair of 3D glasses to view them (red-cyan lenses). If you don't have 3D glasses, please let me know and I'll post you a pair.

I hope you are not too busy to give my proposal some consideration.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,Leo Carol