Tuesday, October 10, 2006

All is good...really!

I think this will have to be the last of this sort of posting I write cos' you're all going to think I'm a hypochondriac! ...Anyway, my physio treatment is going well, I've got this yellow rubber band that I have to do stretching exercises with and it seems to be working - just a little too slowly for my liking. The hard part has been trying to supplement my exercise to keep some degree of fitness happening. I've been jogging and trying to do footwork at home, doing cuts without a shinai and without lifting my arm above my shoulder but it's not quite the same. On saturday I came crashing down with the flu so that has stopped everything for a short while. Some would say it happened because of the changing season - I did have some pretty bad hayfever on friday - but I think it's simply the combination of not getting enough exercise at the moment and feeling a bit depressed about the whole lack of getting to do any kendo.

Don't get me wrong, most of the time I'm accepting of the situation and feel positive that all will come good again in the future, it's just that my regular kendo training was a great stabilizer in my life. It was a great way to escape the daily grind, sweat out a few frustrations, challenge myself, hopefully see a little improvement in myself and enjoy the camaraderie of being with like-minded souls sharing the challenges of kendo.

Now I spend too much time thinking about it and not doing it but I'm trying to channel my frustration into healing and am hopeful that I will get a clean bill of health from the physio soon and you can be guaranteed there will a smile on my face when I next step in the dojo that no amount of heavy men cuts or miss placed hiki do's will be able to erase!



Bishojo美少女 said...

Rick, you should pop to any Kendo Dojo and Ken-Keiko (見稽古) --- you can still learn the waza技 or technique simply just watching the training! Strenger Sensei mentioned that Kendo required "mental balance", Ken-Keiko can provide you more than physical training, I reckon! Kendo-Ka (劍道家) even brought his baby for Ken-Keiko. Check this URL: http://www.interq.or.jp/venus/kobuo/H16okayama1.html

Rick said...

It's true that you can still learn from watching but you can also get very frustrated that you are not able to play!

My current working situation also limits my training visits but I am very much looking fowrad to getting back to training as soon as the physio gives me the approval. Hopefully it will be soon!