Well as most of you guys know, SKC did very well in Melbourne at the Mumieshi 3's competition. Actually it was the very first time a club from another state has been invited to attend the competition...so as you can imagine they were sad to see their trophy go. But while we are waiting for Chris to give me his photos from the actual kendo event...i'm going to talk about the social side of things.
After the seminar with Sumi sensei of Saturday, it was fare to say all the lads...Chris, Andrew, Mark, David and Myself...needed to unwind with a few beers back at the hotel.
After musing over a couple of cold ones back at the hotel, it was time to designate a driver (poor David) and head to St Kilda for a good meal and wine.
However, the antics started before the night even started...with our designated driver getting excited about the horse at the front of the hotel
With our logistics man Mr Hudson with the map we eventually found our way to St Kilda, where were met with hundreds on Bondi'esque' beautiful people. We stopped into a little trendy restaurant/club called the Vineyard for dinner. After dinner the wine and beer flowed as steadily as the conversations. As you can see, from the pics a good time was had by all.
After our big win at the competition...we went back to St Kilda to take in the sights and relax after a huge weekend, then it was back on the plane to Sydney...with our trophy
I think we need to remind ourselves that its not always about playing Kendo, but bonding together as part of a club and staying young at heart. Kendo is what I believe an impetus for human engagement
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Fun in Melbourne
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Massive Blister
Over the last couple of weeks I was in so much pain. I had this massive throbbing pain in my right heel. Every time I went to do Fumakomi, I received this massive sharp pain travel through my body.
Anyway, it got so bad last Saturday I thought i better have look at my heel to see what’s going on. Too my surprise I had a massive blister hidden underneath the huge callous of my right heel. GROSS. I could see the blister trying to protrude out.
So I went and sterilised a pin...and starting digging. You wouldn't believe how much blood came out of my heel if I told you.
Anyway...come Monday night training, I was in full flight again, cutting with the confidence I lacked over the past couple of weeks.
Now I'm ready for the two tournaments this month!