Thursday, September 20, 2007

Congrat's Dan and Kyu Teams!

Well done everyone who participated in the competition on the weekend. I wish I was there to see it. Can someone please write a breakdown of the day for the poor suckers like me that missed it? Maybe post some video?

Hopefully, I can compete in the next comp as I'm getting way too envious to sit on the sidelines anymore!

Congratulations everyone,



Bishojo美少女 said...

Hello Rick

Seeing is believing, you have to join in Shiai to witness how our buddies demonstrated excellent Kendo + the tension of Shiai.

BTW, visit Sydney Kendo Club webpage, click MEMBERS ONLY page for videos of Dan Team final SDYEN vs MOO DOO KAN. Pls stay-tuned for Kyu Team final SYDNEY vs USYD.

I have all the matches video-taped (10 x 4.5GB). DVDs / videos are for club members only. Your copies are ready, pop in training + pick up DVDs.